Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus
Arnie Roth, Conductor
Susan Calloway, featured vocalist
Nobuo Uematsu, FINAL FANTASY composer in attendance
Tickets on sale NOW at cso.org
From Nobuo Uematsu:
Dear friends who are attending the Distant Worlds and A New World performances on December 26 and 27, this is Nobuo Uematsu writing.
While I have been looking forward to attending our final concerts of 2015 in Chicago, I must announce an unfortunate change of plans. Due to unanticipated and overwhelming mental and physical fatigue I am unable to travel outside of Japan before the New Year. This means that I cannot attend this week’s performances. I will try to recover as quickly as possible surrounded by family and other support.
Please accept my apology; my absence in Chicago is truly disappointing to me. I promise to find an opportunity for us to celebrate together in the future.
With best wishes for what I know will be magnificent Chicago performances, and looking forward to being together in 2016.
If you have any questions, or need further information, please contact us at:
This December, Distant Worlds returns to Chicago’s famous Symphony Center, the scene of historic Distant Worlds performances, to complete a fabulous 2015 with this special holiday concert, which includes a spectacular musical tribute to FINAL FANTASY VII! Also featured is the FINAL FANTASY I – XIV Battle Medley, plus the World Premiere performance of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dragon Song featuring Susan Calloway! With revered FINAL FANTASY composer Nobuo Uematsu in attendance, look to Arnie Roth, and the Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus to deliver heavyweight classics and many more surprises.

Artists Performing

Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus

Arnie Roth