Distant Worlds returns to St. Louis!
St. Louis Symphony & Choir
Tallis Choir of Toronto
Arnie Roth, conductor
Nobuo Uematsu in attendance
Susan Calloway, guest vocalist
Tickets on sale at Ticketmaster.ca
To charge by phone please call 1-855-872-SONY (7669)
Featuring classic music from over 25 years of the FINAL FANTASY video game series, Distant Worlds returns to the Sony Centre! With special guest vocalist Susan Calloway, the featured vocalist on FINAL FANTASY XIV, joining us at the Sony Centre for the first time, program highlights include FINAL FANTASY VIII: Eyes On Me, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Answers, and the Toronto premiere of FINAL FANTASY Series: Battle and Victory Theme Medley.
Experience the majesty and power of The Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra and Tallis Choir of Toronto, conducted by GRAMMY-winning maestro and music director Arnie Roth! Don’t miss this spectacular show, with exclusive HD video from the FINAL FANTASY game series producers SQUARE ENIX. Nobuo Uematsu attending!
Ticket prices from as low as $30.
*JUST ADDED 4/22* Exclusive post show VIP meet/greet!
There will be a limited capacity meet and greet reception held after the performance. Meet composer Nobuo Uematsu, conductor Arnie Roth, and guest vocalist Susan Calloway in an exclusive signing event! For details and to book tickets please see ticketmaster.ca
NOTE: VIP meet/greet tickets can be added at checkout after you purchase a regular ticket in any seating section.

Artists Performing

Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus

Arnie Roth