Distant Worlds returns to St. Louis!
Powell Hall, St. Louis, MO
St. Louis Symphony
May 15, 2015 7:30PM
May 16, 2015 7:30PM
Arnie Roth, conductor
Naoshi Mizuta, FINAL FANTASY XI composer in attendance!
Susan Calloway, featured vocalist
Tickets on sale at stlsymphony.org
Arnie and the mighty St. Louis Symphony perform a new program including FINAL FANTASY VI: Character Theme Medley, Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII: ‘Light Eternal’, and the FINAL FANTASY VII: Main Theme. Special guest, FINAL FANTASY XI composer Naoshi Mizuta joins us for his United States premier appearance with Distant Worlds. Gifted performer Susan Calloway is the featured vocalist in favorite FINAL FANTASY songs.
The same program will be performed each evening with the addition of these exclusive highlights:
Friday – FINAL FANTASY XI: Memoro de la Stono – Distant Worlds, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Answers, FINAL FANTASY VII: JENOVA COMPLETE, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Torn From The Heavens
Saturday – FINAL FANTASY VIII: Eyes On Me, FINAL FANTASY IX: Melodies of Life, FINAL FANTASY VIII: The Man With The Machine Gun, FINAL FANTASY IV: Battle With The Four Fiends
Artists Performing
Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus
Arnie Roth